Discover Food Freedom & Improved Health!

Health Coaching With Lauren van der Mast
Do you secretly struggle with binge eating? Or have you had a hard time achieving a healthy and balanced lifestyle? Perhaps you’ve cycled through various diets and tried numerous exercise routines. You’re tired and frustrated – and it’s beginning to take a toll on your health. Here’s some good news: There is another way to finally obtain good health and feel good once again! Despite being a successful professional athlete and a personal trainer, I too struggled with binge eating. Even at my strongest and leanest, I was hiding a dark secret. I was ashamed and riddled with guilt.  I would eat one bowl of ice cream… then another… then another… I’d then move onto biscuits and chocolate. It was like I had no control over my actions. And after many years of this, I started to gain weight and binging started to take its toll on my health. Today, I’ve managed to leave my binge eating and eating disorder in my past. I now coach various other individuals on how they can do the same. It’s entirely possible to free yourself from food obsession and binging.

The Three Pillars of Health​

Discovering that I had to change my internal world to fix my external world was a profound experience. It’s something that many people don’t realize. When the inside feels good, the outside inevitably follows. This is how I came up with the three pillars of health that all of my clients adhere to.

Pillar #1: Mental & Emotional Health

Your mental state plays more of a role on your physical health than you may think. Learning self-acceptance and self-love can transform your approach to health and to your everyday life.

Pillar #2: Movement

Movement is different from exercise and training. It’s about incorporating healthy and natural movement into your everyday life and creating a foundation. In truth, our bodies need to move in a particular way to support proper function and good overall health.

Pillar #3: Lifestyle

The third pillar involves looking at aspects of your daily life. Some of these activities, such as stress and diet, may be impacting your health more than you realize.

Together, we can find a customized solution to your health.

The modern world of health and fitness focuses on exercise and calorie counting. While these may prove useful tools to improve some aspects, many of the experts are missing key pieces that contribute to better health and well-being. In some cases, these factors can also cause more harm than good. In reality, health is so much more than being lean or losing weight.

Your beliefs about food, your body, and your results also contribute to how you feel and how you look. Stress, alone, can have a huge impact on your well-being and physical health.

As a health coach, I’ve worked with numerous individuals, helping them identify their binge triggers and heal. I will show you the technique that saved me and what to do and what not to do to get better. Improved health isn’t as far away as you think it is! Book an initial consultation with me today and discover techniques that can free you from food restriction and binging, as well as improve your overall health – emotionally, mentally, and physically.